I have just received this award from Shadow (http://shadowcreationz.blogspot.com).
Thank you so much for thinking of me, much appreciated!! :)
The info that comes along with this award is:
This seal is given to the blogs, which are very charming. These bloggers, aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self promotion. This hope is that this trophy when the links are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Give the trophy to eight bloggers, who must choose eight other bloggers and add this text with your trophy.

I would like to pass this award to some members of my AMAZING CT (some of them already have it and some of them haven't a blog):
Tina (http://tinasmagicalworld.blogspot.com/)
Brandi (http://grungeandglitter.blogspot.com/)
Gina (http://ginasgemstutsnstuff.blogspot.com/)
Harley (http://dreamgirlproductionz.blogspot.com/)
Rose (http://rosestutsntags.blogspot.com/)
Sabrina (http://desejossonhos.blogspot.com/)
And now the freebie....
I was playin' around with plugins and styles in Photoshop and came up with these... lol!
I'm not very creative/original but I like how they turned out so I'd like to share them with you.
There are 4 psd layered files in the download and you can customize your jewels with colors, styles and patterns... as you wish :)
More to come, I believe...
They are also CU ok!
You can download them from here:

I may be back later with a new kit I'm working on... :)
Ooops, just for info: I've added a chat box to the right, if you need to contact me for any concern! And I'm going to update my showcase blog with a few tags.
Thanks for looking!! :)
Thanks for the freebie and that's a really beautiful kit. I'll have to go and grab that one.
Thank you sooo much for the award - HUGS! Your CU freebie looks beautiful...
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements Only, Papers Only post on Feb. 20, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you :)
thank you very much!!
I Love these gems! Thank you so much for sharing your awesome work with us!
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