
Thursday, December 18, 2008

A note

As probably some of you already know, Amanda has decided to close Taggers Scraps.
The store has been hacked by some ignorant and jealous people that have nothing better to do in their poor lives.
She brought the store back but decided to close it. I don't blame her for doin' this.
She's been attacked on several stupid blogs and groups by stupid and nasty people and she had enough.

I only want to say that I've been with Amanda since she opened Tantrum's store and never had a problem with her. Never had a problem with payouts. She's always been transparent and loyal to me (and with all designers). So this awful campaign that is going over her is senseless. It's all crap!!

Making scrapkits is not funny anymore to me, not this way... :(
Not only because I have a RL, but even because I have no time to look after all these dramas. I don't need them.


  1. Hello,
    i received your update about Amanda closing her group. I want to ask you, why you would call people "ignorant" and "jealous"? i personally know 2 people that have been wronged by this woman. they are not makers of scraps but purchasers. Just because she didn't wrong you certainly doesn't mean that she doesn't do wrong to other people and you should take back those words, you cannot speak for everyone!! Teresa

  2. I don't blame you a bit for being upset, Laura, this is all so unnecessary and should be settled between the people involved. If there's been any wrongdoing it will all come out, after all what goes around comes around. That goes for those who claim injury and do this kind of dirt to another person as well :p's Christmas! Forgiveness, peace, love, etc etc Blessings, Joy and Happiness to you all.

  3. Greetings and Salutations cinnamon,
    This is Nemesis and it seems I am the leader of those "nasty,ignorant people".
    If I may please correct a few of your comments you have posted..
    I am not even close to being an ignorant woman nor are the people who have assisted in bringing awareness to the public. Lets think, shall we?..Perhaps she realized she has ruined her name beyond repair so logically she would close, but due to the fact she is less then ethical she is making a feeble attempt to slander our blog and those who have posted.I do not need to hack a site because once all read her own words and words of other designers who lost monies or customers who never received items after paying she knows she is done and so what better finale then to blame those who helped nail the last few nails into her coffin..just something to pontificate cinnamon.
    And as to the Nasty part....Ohhhhhhhh yes I can be and you have no clue but those who have crossed paths with me and treated others badly will admit I can be...So 1 out of 2 accusations I will admit to..Ignorant, NO Nasty, I can be if needed..Someone has to stand up to these thieves and bullies...
    I have original emails of any comment I posted...I do not need to make up stories, she has so many truths to tell she has made this easy. so perhaps you should ask others before you take someone who has no morals at their word...Sincerely, Nemesis

  4. I WAS speaking for myself. I've never had issues with her.
    And I think this kind of thing should be handled in private. There are many innocent designers involved now and this is not fair.
    I won't say another word about this. I'm tired of these dramas. It's Christmas time and I want to enjoy this time of the year (and the new year coming) tryin' to stay positive.

  5. I am sorry to hear that Amanda has to go through all this crap. I did want to give you a heads up. I just received an email from someone in a group I belong to who has shared all the links to her kits on rapid share. I don't know how to get a hold of Amanda or I would have told her myself. I don't think it is right. If you would let her know what is going on I would appreciate it.

  6. Hi Cinnamon

    I am Sorry to hear that You are no longer to make Scrap Kits I enjoyed Your Kits so very much I have alot of them in My Collection I hope that You will one Day reconsider Your decsion Hun Take Care and Happy Holidays!!!

  7. keep your chin up babe lots of crimbo hugs and stuff Diane xx
