
Monday, August 18, 2008

New taggers kit and tags

Hello everybody,
hope you had all a great weekend. I had a little holiday and I've enjoyed it very much :)

I have a new kit ready from a few days but haven't had the time to put it on sale 'till today.
It's called "A lil' funky" and it's taggers size only.

You can purchase it from Designer Scraps and from Tantrum Scraps.

There are 16 papers and about 90 elements in the kit.


I've also a few new amazing tags to show you off :)
This was made by Chelle and you can find the tut here:
Thank you Chelle!!

This was made by Yvette and you can find the tut here:
Thank you Yvette!!

This was made by Sue and you can find this tut here:

And last but not less important, this tag made by Tamie. You can find this tut here:
Thank you Tamie!!
I saw I have received a few awards...
I'm gonna collect them all and post them soon :)
Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hun
    I love your blog and your kits and I wanted to give you an award. There is nothing like an award to Keep those visitors

    Just visit my blog for more info.
