
Friday, October 26, 2012

New kit and new FB (+blog) Exclusive Fan Freebie!

Hello everyone!!
I know it's been a long time since I posted and released something...
As many of you probably know, I've been dealing with personal issues in my life
and, also, I've lost almost all my scrap stuff a few months ago when my external HD crashed...
I had to start from scratch but I couldn't stay away from scrap any longer!! Lol
So, I've just released a new kit you can still get with a 50% off discount (valid through Sunday 28th) by using this coupon:
Also, I have a new Exclusive FB fan freebie available!!
I had to split it into 2 downloads, one here on my blog and one on my FB fan page.
Here is the paper pack:
Now, go to my FB fan page to get the Elements pack:
Hope you enjoy it!!
Also, don't forget DSD is coming soon...
So, stay tuned for more freebies, sales and more!!